EnnoLogic temperature gun duel laser non-contact infrared thermometer-accurate digital surface IR thermometer *REVIEW & GIVEAWAY* #2015HolidayGiftGuide

Disclosure: From Downriver To Downright Country receives products in order to conduct a review, no monetary compensation was provided unless noted otherwise. All opinions are 100% my own. In case of a giveaway the sponsor is responsible for the delivery of prize(s), unless noted otherwise.


EnnoLogic temperature gun duel laser non-contact infrared thermometer -58°F to 1202°F accurate digital surface IR thermometer -$59.95


  • Dual Laser for precise targeting
  • Easy to read LCD display with white backlight
  • Fast response time with Min/Max display
  • Adjustable emissivity provides increased accuracy for different materials
  • Adjustable High/Low set points with audible alarm
  • Lock feature for continuous readings
  • Retains user settings for laser, backlight, and °C/°F
  • Double molded housing
  • Soft storage case and 9V battery included

eT650D-infrared-thermometer-side-view-787x1050-224x300 eT650D-infrared-thermometer-with-open-battery-case-1399x1050-300x225

Christmas shopping for my husband is so easy its hard…does that make sense?  The man loves anything that can go into his tool box. Needless to say when I gave him temperature gun to test out he was like a kid in a candy store. I have been told this gun does not disappoint.

He does a lot of work around the house and especially loves working on cars. He promised this temp gun would come in handy on multiple occasions and so far he has proven his statement true. Although I think he just likes to use it on everything because it is fun and powerful (haha). There is always a use for it. So much so, that I am unaware of how he diagnosed and fixed problems prior to owning the temperature gun!

This checks surface temperatures only. You can use it to check the temp of your grill, pizza stone and oven, but it does not check the inside temperature of food. I have not used it for any of those things yet, but my hubby has used it to check insulation leaks in our home. With the weather cooling down it always gets so cold in our home and so this temp gun is finally helping us solve the mystery of where there is leaks in the insulation in the walls.


He has also used it to help his buddy diagnose a engine problem in his buddy’s car. His friend was so impressed with it that he said he was going to purchase on asap. Not only does this temp gun give out accurate readings and work for multiple uses but it is also built tough. My husband is not gentle with his tools and he’s even dropped this a couple times already and there are no scratches, and it still reads accurately.

We are very glad we have this handy gun available for when we need it, which happens to be often!

You can purchase this Temperature Gun on Amazon HERE for only $59.95. You will get your moneys worth plus so much more out of this tool as soon as you get it and it is made to last a very long time!

ONE of my lucky US readers will win one of these great thermometers! This giveaway will remain open until Nov. 23 11:00pm CST. Please enter using the link below 🙂

20 thoughts on “EnnoLogic temperature gun duel laser non-contact infrared thermometer-accurate digital surface IR thermometer *REVIEW & GIVEAWAY* #2015HolidayGiftGuide

  1. This will be perfect for the hubby!! He’s the same kind of tool box guy as yours, always on the lookout for a great gadget to add to the mix!

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